1. I have pleasure of welcoming Fr. Paschal Mwambi Mwakio from Mombasa Archdiocese in Kenya who is a student specialising in Bioethics at Regina Apostolorum in Rome. Father Pascal welcome to the programme on Marriage and Family Life.
Good morning listener, I am happy to be at the Vatican radio studio.
2. Fr. Paschal could you please tell our listeners why you are interested in studying Bioethics?
First of all bioethics has been of interest to me because I was in the same university before I became a priest, when these special studies were introduced at Queen of Apostles University, back in 2001. Secondly, my interest in bioethics is because it affects real life issues, and these challenges face each and every person, family and the society at large. Third, I want to help people know the Church teaching on these issues.
3. What does the term bioethics mean? Please explain in simple language.
Bioethics is first of all the understanding of changes and progress brought about by science and technology in the area of medicine, health and diseases, and how this has affected human life, improved it, worsened it or how this destroys human life.
4. What themes are related to bioethics or discussed in bioethics?
Themes in the area of bioethics include some of the following: when life of a human person really begins? Who is to be considered a human being, those who are born or those not yet born? Can sick children not yet born be allowed to live if the diseases they suffer from cannot be cured? How can people who cannot have children on their own be helped to have children? Can children be produced in the laboratory without the sexual act and outside the mother’s womb while selecting what kind of a child one wants to have? How about the old and those critically sick, can they be considered as people who need to live or who should be helped to die so that they do not continue to suffer? Should the critically ill be killed to save money, resources and time for others. Suppose some of the elements or organs needed to heal some diseases are found on other live human beings including unborn children, is it possible to make use of them. Can body organs like the kidney, liver etc, be removed from another person and transferred to a sick person anytime, without agreement and sold for profit? Criteria of respect for life, healthy organs, minimum risks, rejection of organs, charity, and certified death in case of dead donor (among others) need to be considered. These questions and problems raised may be solved technically because of progress made by science. But the main bioethical affirmation is that, not all that which is technically possible in this current world is to be accepted unless this really respects human life in all its stages from conception till natural death. And on issues of children, marriage is the right place to beget them through the sexual union between a man and woman of the same marriage. Any technical solution by science to replace this conjugal right or to manipulate human life is unacceptable.
5. What is the foundation of bioethics? Is it only proposed by Catholics or Christian believers?
Bioethics has the person, that is the human being as the point of focus. Every human being is a person with the same dignity from birth. One does not need to be a Catholic or non Catholic, Christian or non Christian to know by his mind and correct use of reason that respecting life of any person is necessary. Some of the very important rights like the right to life, is not created by any government or created by any religion. Such rights are universal, written in our conscience, and in our hearts, and are therefore found in our nature. Every human being including the unborn, the mentally sick, people in coma, the terminally ill and the old have the same dignity even when others fail to recognize this truth. Religion reveals to us something more than our minds can see or understand. To be a believer is an added advantage. If my religion as a Christian teaches me that life is a precious gift and that I am created in the image of God, then I have more reason to respect my life and that of others. Human life comes before religion and before governments, it is upon it other rights, and values are built. Yet our life transcends, goes beyond all these. God is the author of human life and him alone has the power over our life.
6. Why is it necessary for “ordinary” Christians to know about bioethics?
Bioethics issues affect everybody and for the ordinary Christian it is important to respect the way of life of Christ himself who is the way, life and truth. Christianity teaches that God is the author of life. Ordinary Christians need to know about bioethics so that in any thing they do to improve their life, their health, and that of others; or in anything they do to cure illnesses and diseases respects not only one’s own life, but that of others too. This is only possible if we are aware of the help or problems caused by science and technology.
7. What are some of the complicated bioethics issues? Can you give some examples of diseases or conditions which may affect our family life or bring into conflict our Christian values?
Some of the complicated issues in bioethics are in the area of early stages of the child’s development. Discovering diseases affecting children before they are born is recommendable work yet not without complications. This process may involve producing the unborn child in the laboratory without respecting the normal process of how a child begins his or her life, that is, by skipping the sexual act between a husband and his wife. Thus, artificial fertilization involves complicated issues of overproducing human life (embryos - to increase chances of attaining a child), involves loss of life of the embryos which are considered unfit or affected by genetic diseases, preservation of extra human life in freezers approximately (-190°) etc. If a very serious disease is discovered before the child is born, the parent(s) are found in a difficult situation. An example of such conditions is what is called Down syndrome. This condition has no cure just like many other discovered diseases before birth, and the child may be born with serious disabilities. Common features of such children include a small rounded head, small fingers, oval shaped eyes, short structure and mental disability. In other diseases the child may even die after a few days. What are the parents going to do? Accept the sick child or eliminate the child? The doctor may give an advise to them, but whose decision should the parents follow? In case the disease discovered can be cured, then that will be of benefit to the child’s life, the parents and society.
8. What does bioethics teach or what does the Church teach its members to do in situation like a woman expecting a child who has Down syndrome?
Not all bioethics views represent the teaching of the church. Thus, it is important to get the official views through the right authority. A Down syndrome person is to be respected and protected like any other health child or person. Although a down baby may not be able to exercise all the mental and physical faculties, this does not make this child less a human being. A child is a gift from God and his/her life needs to be respected and welcome from the beginning. Pregnant mothers are there fore encouraged to carry the pregnancy until birth. Doctors and those responsible should look for ways of revealing the truth about the condition of the child’s health while preparing to accompany them morally and spiritually. In case such pregnancies develop problems and there is a danger to the life of the mother, then all should be done by the doctors to help save both lives without disregarding the unborn baby. All the lives (mother’s and child’s) have the same dignity. Sometimes the unborn baby may perish in the process, but intentional killing or elimination is unacceptable and therefore should be avoided.
9. Bioethics is not all about condemnations of what is bad about science. Neither is it all about what is licit or illicit, good or bad, evil or good. Can you please elaborate this statement?
The church is not just against artificial things or processes which are not natural. The church appreciates the outcome of many problems solved by scientific progress in a respectful manner to the human dignity. Bioethics welcomes ways which can reduce human suffering or brings total healing to diseases without considering human life as an object or as a means to satisfy others. Bioethics therefore should not be seen as a discipline which is there to prevent progress or to condemn artificiality.
10. What would you say to families or persons who find it difficult to look after their beloved one suffering from conditions which arise from bioethical issues?
I would like to encourage all those people who are faced with these trying moments. They should not loose hope or doubt whether their beloved ones are still human beings in those conditions. Let them continue to love these suffering persons, care for them, clean them, feed them if this is possible and encourage them. Medication which is helpful to improve the health of the sick without heavy burden to the sick or to the family, and which proves to have the desired results should be offered. Sometimes there is nothing we can do to stop an immanent death which does not mean abandonment of the sick or causing death, but just accepting the will of God. Many times it is those taking care of the sick who get tired, or even wish to anticipate the death of the suffering people. Suffering is part of human nature and from it, positive values can come, for instance appreciation of life, our love, physical and emotional presence. In case the sick is able to talk, he or she may pronounce a word of love, pardon they never mentioned in the rest of their lives. Christians get strength from the sufferings of Christ who is the way, the truth and life. Suffering doesn’t have the last word, there is victory over death. No one has a right to kill oneself or to help the other die even if asked to do so by the sufferer.
11. What can you say to pastors or hospital chaplains dealing with the bioethical issues?
First and foremost, it is important to have the knowledge of bioethics in order to give the right advice in situations where need be. Bioethics committees in hospitals have become a necessary organ. Pastors and chaplains need to offer not only spiritual, moral, emotional support, but also real and practical counselling for the complicated clinical cases at hand. Knowledge of bioethics is helpful for them to counsel where necessary the relatives and the patients on the choices which are not only approved by the Church, but which respect life itself in whatever condition.
12. Is there anything else you would like to say on bioethical issues?
Bioethics is an interesting topic, but very challenging. It affects us on almost all life issues. It is important for our bishops to send some priests, religious and laity to specialise in bioethics issues so that we can promote the gospel of life in a developed world. The African continent cannot be left behind since technology has become global. It will be my joy to continue sharing with you more about bioethics and in details about the topics I have highlighted.
13. Thank you very much Fr. Paschal Mwambi Mwakio for sharing with us about bioethical issues and how we need to respond to various situations our families or individuals may find themselves. Thanks for sparing you time, and May God bless you always!
Thank you Fr Moses for this opportunity.
This is brave and encouraging. God bless you Fr.